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My Son Now Wants To Write Everyday On His CopyBook - His Teacher Confirms His Improvement In Maths, Alphabets & Drawing Too... I Am a Happy Mother

Research Shows That Children Who Uses Fun Leaning Materials Such As This CopyBook Becomes 7x More Smarter Than Their Mates | 10x More Intelligent | They Also Posses Special Problem Solving Ability and Are Confident To Speak Anywhere

This Testimonial Will Wow!!! You

"I used to think this book was just like every other book until I bought one set for my son...

His teacher came home with him just last weekend to ask if we hired a home teacher for him. I didn't understand until she showed me their weekly accessment. My boy was far ahead of his mates already all because of this copybook

We need more of this for our kids and I believe any serious parent will want to get this book for his/her kids"

Sabina B. (Kampala)

This 4-book set of Sank Magic Practice Copybooks will...

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More Testimonials From Parent & Guardians

My Son Fell In Love With This CopyBook And Is Gradually Improving In His Writing And Math Skills

Kampala Verified Purchase

You need to come see the joy from my kids while using this learning tool... It's educational and fun at the same time

Nansana Verified Purchase

My little girl just found out she loves maths because of the simplicity of this copy book.

Lubowa Verified Purchase

This copy book came when I needed it the most this holiday season

Kampala Verified Purchase

keeps my 4 year old busy that he now forgets to disturb me as usual (lol)

Kira Kito Verified Purchase

It's the simplicity and portability for me...

Mbale City Verified Purchase

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1 Set Copy Book

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Plus FREE 6 Disappearing Pen

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Original Price - 150,000Ugx

Today's Price - 90,000Ugx

Save 60,000Ugx

2 Set Copy Book

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Original Price - 320,000Ugx

Today's Price - 150,000Ugx

Save 170,000Ugx

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For 3 Kids Or a Gift To Someone

Plus FREE 6 Disappearing Pen in each set

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Original Price - 480,000Ugx

Today's Price - 230,000Ugx

Save 250,000Ugx

Here Are 3 Reasons Why You Should Buy This Educational Fun Filled Learning Book Today For Your Child(ren)

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